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Bodyboard Waxing – Should You Wax your Bodyboard?

    If you want to improve your bodyboarding, waxing your board can make a big difference.

    As your skills improve, you may realize that waxing your board is essential to the bodyboarding experience.

    Do we need to wax bodyboards in the same way that we wax surfboards?

    We are going to show you how to wax your bodyboard so that you can get the most out of your experience.

    Bodyboarding is a water sport that is growing in popularity all over the world. Bodyboarding is often referred to as the cousin of surfing. Bodyboarding has the same fundamentals as surfing—minus standing up on the board.

    Bodyboarding uses minimal gear and is mainly focused on the bodyboard itself. If you want to learn more about bodyboards and are curious about the use of wax in the sport, then read on!

    Are You Supposed to Wax Your Bodyboard?

    Is it a good idea to apply wax to your bodyboard before going in the water? Yes, it is a good idea to apply wax to your bodyboard before going in the water. The wax will help you stay on your board and will also help reduce the likelihood of being wiped out by big waves.

    You should learn what kind of wax to use, which parts to apply the wax to, and how to apply the wax properly before you wax your board.

    A surfboard wax is a substance that you spread on your surfboard to keep you from slipping off.

    The text is discussing the benefits of having more grip, which provides better control and prevents slipping and sliding.

    Waxing your brand new bodyboard before taking it out into the waves for the first time is important.

    Bodyboards that are new often times are very slippery when in the water. The coating that is put on by the manufacturer to make the board look good in the store is the reason why. This coating though harms the water. It does eventually wear off, but the best thing to do is to wax the deck from the beginning.

    Wax will help you stay on your bodyboard, keep you from slipping, and offer more grip. You can use bodyboarding-specific wax or surf wax. Lightly apply the wax to the bodyboard until it is thick enough.

    Bodyboarders use wax on their boards to keep from slipping off. There is a specific way to wax a board and specific spots on the board where bodyboarders put their wax for optimal use.

    Bodyboarders can apply wax to their wetsuits and exposed areas of their body for better grip, but this can damage the wetsuit easily.

    Waxing Helps with Take-off

    The biggest difference that wax makes to the deck of a bodyboard is the amount of grip it provides. This is especially important during take-off, when you need to generate as much power as possible to get up on the wave.

    Some things you can do to avoid slipping are to put some wax on your board, wear shoes with good traction, and/or put some sort of traction pad on your board. When you are paddling out to catch a wave, not slipping around on the deck is very important.

    If you are catching bigger waves or if you are using two hands to paddle rather than one, avoiding slipping becomes even more important. You can avoid slipping by putting some wax on your board, wearing shoes with good traction, and/or putting some sort of traction pad on your board.

    This is the worst feeling ever- you’ve finally made it out to the waves and you’re ready to start surfing when you suddenly fall off your board.

    If you’re new to bodyboarding, waxing your board can help you catch waves more easily.

    Waxing Gives You Greater Control

    Good bodyboarding is about having good technique and control. If you don’t have either of these, it will be almost impossible to do even the most basic maneuvers on a wave.

    The wax on your bodyboard helps you to stay on the board and have greater control while performing turns or other tricks.

    Waxing Gives You Greater Grip

    If you’re riding big waves, it’s important to have good grip, so the wax will help you stay on your board.

    If your bodyboard is bouncing and sliding all over the deck, you’ll have a harder time staying on while riding the waves, especially if your arms come off the rails.

    What Kind of Wax Is Used for Bodyboards?

    There is a specific type of wax called bodyboard wax that is made for the material bodyboards are made of, which are polyethylene, polypropylene, or extruded polystyrene.

    Waxes are also not a one-size-fits-all type of product. These factors include the following:


    It is recommended that you choose a white wax, as some wax can be a clear yellow color.

    The temperature of the water

    Waxes are designed to only be used in specific water temperatures, which vary depending on your location. There are four categories of waxes: cold, cool, warm, and tropical.

    Cold wax should be used in very cold water that is below 14 degrees, while Cool wax should be used in cold water with temperatures ranging from 15 to 19 degrees.

    Meanwhile, Warm wax should be used in warm or temperate water that is between 20 to 25 degrees, while Tropical wax should be used in tropical waters with temperatures going over 25 degrees.


    It’s important to use non-toxic wax because some of it will end up in the water and be absorbed by the creatures living there. It’s also a good idea to choose a wax made of natural ingredients that is 100 percent biodegradable.

    How Do You Apply Wax to A Bodyboard?

    The ability to control your bodyboard on the wave is largely dependent on having the right wax on the deck of your board.

    Waxing your board in the right places will allow you to stick to your board more easily which will in turn allow you to make sharper and more dynamic turns.

    Just put it on in small patches. Wax available in bars must be rubbed onto the right places of your bodyboard.

    It is necessary to make the wax sticky and effective in order to provide a grip when in water. There is no need to put a large amount of wax all over the board when small patches would suffice.

    Waxing your board in the shade is ideal, as the heat from the sun can make the wax less effective.

    If your wax bar is melting, it won’t apply correctly and will be too soft to get a good coat. Start with a crisscross pattern and then build from there.

    Where Should You Apply Wax on The Bodyboard?

    The first thing you need to do is understand which parts of the bodyboard you need to wax. Read our guide to learn more about the different parts of a bodyboard.

    The Nose of The Bodyboard

    Before you go surfing, you should wax the nose of your board.

    This is the part of the bodyboard that you hold onto when you are in the water. I usually wax the top part of the nose of the bodyboard on the side that is facing up, and then I wax the bottom part a little bit in each corner where my fingers grip it from underneath.

    The Rails of The Bodyboard

    You need to use a lot of wax on these parts of the board so that you do not lose control when you are going fast.

    The next step is to wax the rails, which are the parts of the board where your elbows and forearms will rest. You want to use a lot of wax so you don’t lose control when you’re going fast.

    It is important to have your arm positioned correctly on the rails as this will give you more control over the turns.

    If your arm slips off the board while you’re turning, you’ll probably crash. You usually only need to wax the rails from the halfway point to the top, along the sides of the board, and about a hand span in width on the deck itself to get the right amount of coverage.

    The Deck of The Bodyboard

    When you are waxing the deck, it is important to understand your body position on the bodyboard itself. The deck is the part of the board you lie on while riding the wave, so it’s important to understand how your body should be positioned on the board.

    The best position to ride a wave is with your belly button close to the center of the deck, so that the contact points on the deck are towards the back.

    It may sound strange, but this part of the board doesn’t need much wax. I prefer to put a small amount on the tail and lower half of the board for traction, while still being able to move around the deck as needed.

    If you are just starting to surf, you might need a bit more wax on your board to help keep you glued to it while you learn the basics.

    If you’re unsure of what to do, the best thing is to imagine you’re riding a wave while lying on your board. Place your left arm along the left side of the deck and your right hand on the right corner of the nose.

    Place the wax on your arm and hand. Then, switch the position of your arm and hand, and wax again.

    What is the Best Bodyboard Wax?

    Numerous brands in the market make bodyboard-specific wax. Some of the best bodyboard wax is as follows:

    Sticky Bumps Warm/Tropical Bodyboard Wax

    This bodyboard-specific wax is great for water temperatures 60 degrees and above. Plus, it comes in many varieties of scents. Sticky Bumps uses the Snap and Grab Technology, and it is made with an additive that creates small, sticky bumps on the board when you apply the wax to it.

    This wax is also eco-friendly because it is recyclable and biodegradable. It is also easy to apply.

    Sex Wax Quick Humps

    The Quick Humps wax comes in four temperature options- Cold, Cool, Warm, and Tropical. It also comes in different scents such as coconut, pineapple, strawberry, and grape.

    The Quick Humps wax has been around since 1972 and is considered to be one of the most popular bodyboard-specific wax in the United States. Many people also use it as a top coat or a base coat because it creates a smooth texture when applied correctly to the board.

    It also lasts very long, even when you are conquering big waves.

    BZ Spax Wax Bodyboard Wax

    Wham-o’s BZ Spax Wax Bodyboard Wax has been on the market since 2011 and applies easily to bodyboards. When applied correctly, it gives the user a faster and smoother ride. It’s not only for bodyboards though, it’s also highly recommended for skimboards and surfboards.

    Can You Use Surf Wax on a Bodyboard?

    If you can’t find bodyboard-specific wax, it’s okay to use regular surf wax. Make sure it’s appropriate for the water temperature and that it’s environmentally friendly. It’s also best to choose a white surfboard wax instead of yellow.

    There may be a small difference in the way that surf wax interacts with bodyboards compared to regular surfboards, but this is usually not something that is easily observed.

    Bodyboarders and surfers have different opinions on bodyboard wax and surf wax. Bodyboarders claim that the consistency and behavior of the two types of wax differ after they are applied to the board.

    However, this is mostly true for surfers who have tried using bodyboard wax on their surfboards.

    bodyboard wax is said to be stickier when applied to surfboards by some surfers. They liken the stickiness to that of a base coat used to create bumps.

    Bodyboarders who have tried using surf wax on their boards have noticed very little to no difference. However, it is still advisable to apply the wax correctly and in all the right places, whether you are using bodyboard wax or surf wax.

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